Sunday, January 11, 2015

The Over 40 Category!

So, today I find myself in the over 40 category.  No, that is not a bad thing!  At one time I thought it would be.  Once I was diagnosed with the Addisons and Arthritis, I thought my life would go down hill.  Sure I have bad days.  Sometimes, a lot of them.  Yes, my body isn't ever going to be the same.  But, today, I find myself in a place I once thought I would never be.  Today, on my 41st birthday, I find myself counting my many blessings and happier then I have been in a very long time.  I have a job I love, friends and family I adore, kids who are growing into fine young adults, a husband I couldn't imagine my life without, a blog I have worked hard on and am proud of, a God who loves me and is with me everyday, and so much more.  Even with all the bad things that I have been through in the past 3 years, I am still standing.  Standing strong and feeling hopeful.  The season in my life I once saw as an ending, I now see as a new beginning.  Isn't that funny?  It goes to show that the Lord has a plan in everything He brings into our lives.  In the end, it's not about having everything we want.  It's about appreciating everything we are blessed with and how we treat and use them.  I am so very blessed.  No, my life isn't perfect.  But in my life, there are perfect moments.  I wouldn't change a thing.  Much love and many blessings.

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