Sunday, January 11, 2015

It's Not All About The Dress!!!

So, today was both one of the happiest days of my life and one of the hardest.  Today I took my daughter shopping for her wedding gown.  That's right!  My only little girl is a "bride to be".  Before today it was just all talk.  Even the ring on her finger didn't help it sink in.  But today was different.  No amount of prom dress shopping prepares you for the first time your daughter steps into that first wedding gown.  It's like your heart wants to burst with joy and break into a million pieces from the realization all at once.  Then, after six or seven dresses, you just start getting use to it, and BAM!  It's the one.  I knew it before we even got it zipped up.  I made her wait to look in the mirror until it was all set.  Then, I saw that look.  The same look I had just a little over 20 years ago when I tried on my wedding dress.  Tears from both of us started.  For her, it was the moment she felt like a bride.  For me, it was the moment I knew I would have to let her go soon.  I am so proud of her, and couldn't be more thrilled with my future son in law.  He is a good man.  Hubby and I know he will take care of and love her always.  You can see it in the way he looks at her.  They really do remind us of 20 years ago.  They say it's all about the dress.  But today I learned it's more then that.  It is about letting go and still being able to show her that you are always there.  That, no matter what, my arms are opened.  I'm learning to loosen my grip a bit at a time.  It's hard and involves many teary moments.  But it is also wonderful to watch her fly on her own.

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