Lifestyle and Family

Marriage Tips
Marriage Tip #1:  Never go to bed angry with each other.  It makes waking up in the morning so much nicer.

Marriage tip #2: Never have disagreements in front of family, friends, or children. Especially when it comes to disciplining the kids, involves your in laws, finances, or things that can humiliate each other.

Marriage Tip #3:  It's not about whose right or wrong. It's about the willingness to compromise with each other.

Marriage Tip #4: Find hobbies that you like to do together.

Marriage Tip #5:  Those who laugh together, love together. Always find humor in simple things. It's hard to be angry at each other if your laughing together.

Marriage Tip #6: "Happy wife, happy life." Is a myth. The strongest, happiest marriages consist of compromise.
Compromise=: to give up something that you want in order to reach an agreement : to settle differences by means of a compromise
In the end, both husband and wife must bend. It is not only a sign of how much you love each other, but an act of respect for each other. won't always like having to compromise. But, at the end of the day, if you truly love each other...the fact that you were willing to compromise will mean more to each other then you could ever imagine. So, it's not about what you were willing to give up, but that you loved the other enough that you would.

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