Monday, October 8, 2012

Three Weeks!!

Today marks the three week smoke-free mark for Paul and I.  It has not been easy, but it has so been worth it.  we have noticed so many changes in our home since we quit.  The smell is pretty much gone.  We figured it out and have saved a total of $294.  Not too mention just the sheer extra time we have on our hands.  Things are actually getting done.  As for the kids, they have noticed it easier to breath as well.  Our oldest (Dustin) has become obcessed with laundry smells.  It is so funny.  Physically we both have more energy, breath better, and just feel better not to be doing it.  While I am still having breathing issues, I can't help but think how much worse it would be if I was still smoking.  Smoking alone didn't cause my health issues.  It didn't help, but I would have been sick regardless.  I have to remind myself in my times of frustration that the damage didn't happen overnight and that it won't disappear overnight (if ever).  The patches have helped so much.  I still have my weak moments, but try to keep busy in those moments and that does seem to help.  I know that getting back to work will help.  My goal is to be back soon.  I just have to try and get this shortness of breath under control.  Plus, my steroid dosage down.  Not a fast process for someone with Addisons Disease, but it will happen.  I pray that this day brings you peace, love, and many blessings.  The Lord has been my rock through all this, and I have seen that all things are possible through Him.     

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