Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Another Busy morning!!

Well, it was another busy morning in this house.  You would think that after all these years, getting ready for school would be a piece of cake.  Not the case.  There is always fighting over the bathroom, rushing each other out the door, and the constant reminder that they need to get out of bed.  My boys are 13 and 17.  You could set a four alarm fire off, and I don't think that they would budge from those beds in the morning.  My daughter is 16 and it doesn't matter if she is up at 5 or 7, she never has enough time.  Brings back memories.  My brother, sister, and I were the same exact way.  After they are out the door, things are so quiet, it is almost disturbing.  I have come accustom to the constant bustle of our home.  We have always been a very active family juggling, sports, social lives, and school.  Except for a short time when the kids where very young, my husband and I have always worked to make matters even more busy.  However, in all our business, my husband and I have always tried to make time for the family.  It is important to us to teach our children that no matter what life holds, you need to take time to slow down, and enjoy the blessings the Lord has gifted you.  And believe it or does work.  The kids have even had nights they have chose to stay home versus going out with friends.  As a parent, it makes me feel I am doing something right.  Not to mention the ego boost that it gives me.  I mean, I can't be that bad a mom if my kids actually want to be around me...and even bring friends around.  I hope you all have a productive and blessed day.  However, don't forget to take time to slow down and smell the roses.  It helps put things in prospective, I promise.   

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