Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Starting the Healing!

This is really my first time blogging, so hang in there with me.  It is going to be a learning experience.  However, in the quest to improve my own family's quality of life, it accrued to me that I am not the only mom out there who has struggled.  My hope is to not only find my own healing, but to inspire others.  I find inspiration through many things.  My family, friends, God, and just life itself.  Yes, I am a devote Christian.  Something that I am not ashamed to admit, but only ashamed that I got so far away from for as long as I did.  So I hope that in reading this you will find something that will make your day better.  Whether it be tips on saving your family time or money; or finding your inspiration to get through the day.  Enjoy!!!!

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