Monday, October 15, 2012

Manic Monday

Yet, again, here we are...the beginning of another busy week.  The kids were up and out the door this morning with no great crisis to solve.  One small step for man, on giant step for the Crowl family.  As I sit here drinking my hot chocolate, I can see the damage done from the busy weekend.  It was Homecoming weekend for Dustin and Shelby.  Dylan had parents night for football.  Of course Mother Nature had to leave her stamp on the busy weekend with so much rain.  However, I sit here and think about all the craziness this weekend brought, I can't help but have feelings of bitter sweetness.  This was Dustin's last Homecoming.  He is a Senior this year.  Where has the time gone?  Seems like yesterday he was just getting of the bus for preschool.  It isn't just thoughts of him that come to me.  I sit here and think about all his friends and how they have all grown into such fun young people.  Then it hits me again.  Shelby's last Homecoming is next year and Dylan has his first.  All these feelings are kind of surreal.  I always knew these days would come, just didn't know it would happen so fast.

I look around my somewhat disorganized home. I am flooded with feelings of gratitude.  As I go through my daily routine, my goal is to do so with a gracious heart.  I will get through my chores remembering the past memories of this weekend, knowing that my husband and I enjoyed every minute of it.  I will remember how beautiful my daughter was and how handsome my son looked.  Memories of their friends being here for pictures will come back to me.  The look on Dylan's face when he came home to homemade cookies after his game on Saturday night will warm my heart.   In 10 years, I will look back with no regrets.  I am praying that this day brings you with thoughts of the same.  Enjoy the messes and the craziness now.  Someday it will not be there.  Will you be able to look back and say you took in every moment, made lasting memories, and have no regrets?  I truly hope so.  Much love and many blessings, my friends.      

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