Sunday, January 26, 2014

There Is Peace...

Just wanted to check base with you all.  (Posting from my phone again, so please forgive any mistakes).  I am hoping that you are being able to find the inspiration you need everyday.  Not just the inspiration to carry on, either.  I am hoping that you are realizing how special you are and that you are beautiful.  You know it is funny how we put so much emphasis on physical beauty in this society.  We tell our daughters beauty comes from within, but then we see all the ads and media show pictures of gorgeous women with perfect anything.  Even though we know that these ads are air brushed and edited,  we still strive to be like those pictures.  We need to stop comparing ourselves to those images, and start comparing ourselves to the image God wants to see us as.  He wants us to be accepting, forgiving, loving, and happy.  When we practice these things toward ourselves, it spills into how we treat others.  It's not about being selfish or self absorbed.  It's about helping others have a positive figure to look up to.  I love that my daughter knows where true beauty comes from.  What I love more is that she knows that God is behind all of it.  That he sees beauty in all, and that she can feel beautiful knowing that she is just the way he wants her to be.  So keep telling yourself that you are beautiful, smart, successful, all of those things.  But then treat yourself as such.  When you do, you will find more confidence in yourself.  It will reflect on your outside appearance and the way you treat others.

Saw an article today that suggested when you focus on yourself, you are not focusing on God.  I have to say that I do not agree with this statement.  Sometimes it is hard to see ourselves as worthy if God and of his love for us.  Sometimes, we look right over Him and forget that he wants what's best for us.  We need to remind ourselves that we are His children and that He loves us just the way we are.  He does not want us to feel bitterness, worthlessness, ugliness, etc.. So, we need to look in the mirror and tell ourselves that, "I am a child of God. I am beautiful to Him.  I am worry if a His love and plans for me ."  If we can not love and believe in ourselves, then we can not give our hearts to others, including Him.  We can start to see and feel the peace in a Gods love once we start believing.

Philippians 4:7  "Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace no one can completely understand.  And this peace will control the way you think and feel."

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