Friday, January 17, 2014

The Glue...

Thought for the day...I think I have figured out why moms don't get sick days.  It's not because of all the things there are to get done, or that there are kids and/or husbands to be taken care of.  If we've done our job properly, they could handle it just fine.  It is because moms are the glue.  We are the ones who make all the little pieces of our daily lives come together to create a wonderful, smooth running home.  So the next time your sick and asking yourself why you can't have the day off, remember that without you to put everything in place, it's just a pile of broken pieces.  We don't realize that over the course of many years, our families have become that reliant on us.  My husband is wonderful.  He cooks, cleans, and does a lot for our kids.  However, my daughter has pointed out that when I am not here, it just all falls a part.  You see no one realizes how much the little reminders about doing chores, reminders about appointments, the quick loading of the dishwasher, or anything else we do (behind the scenes) makes our families lives easier.  Even if they don't see it...we do.  I find great satisfaction in it.

Instead, we get upset and just plain worn out when things are so disorderly after we have had to take to our beds for a day.  I have decided to look at it a different way.  The way I see it, if they didn't need me or appreciate me, things would run better when I was absent.  I have come to see all the chores, hounding about homework, picking up after everyone as a blessing.  It gives me a sense of purpose and reminds me how important my role is as a parent and a wife.  God has shown me that, sometimes, a day off is a way for me to see my importance.  You can't put a price tag on a mothers/wife's love.  This makes us women priceless to our families.  Remember this the next time you compare yourself to the maid or taxi driver.  Sure they might get paid for their services.  However, they get paid one day and the money is gone the next.  We mothers/wives get paid in a much more rewarding way.  The investment lasts a lifetime. 

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