Sunday, January 12, 2014

Holiday Hangover...

I often refer to January as the hangover after the holiday season.  May sound funny, but if you think about fits.  We spend the first month of the new year putting our houses back in order, recovering financially, and tired from the holidays and the recovery process.  We are busy making room for all the new toys our kids received, worrying about the pounds we put on, and making resolutions to make the coming year a better one.  For me, it also included making changes to my blogs.  Not even two weeks into 2014, and I am spent.  However, Paul and I decided to stick with a theme this year, instead of making specific resolutions.  The theme this year is to make it a "Healthy" one.  Not just physically, but financially, spiritually, and in other areas of our life.  I have to admit that it seems a lot less intimidating then having a list of specific things sitting in front of me.  This year it isn't about losing 30 pounds.  I'd be happy if I was three pounds down by the end of this year.  It's not about spending more time with my family (which is something I always thrive for anyway).  It's about making the most of the time we spend together.  I think you get the picture.  So, I have committed to making one small change every week or two, that I can stick to.  It could be as little as drinking an extra glass of water a day, or as big as working out 30 minutes a day.  The goal here is that it has to be something I know I can stick to.  It also has to be something I know I can build on over the year.  For example, I might decide to save my change everyday.  In a couple of months I might decide to put back my change and an extra dollar everyday.  It's not a huge amount, but it is more then I was saving in the beginning. 

My challenge is for you to do the same.  The important thing to remember is that sometimes smaller, more attainable goals, are easier to stick to then big ones.  Over a course of time, they are more likely to become healthier habits and result in better lifestyles.  It took me a long time to remember that.  It is also easier on us physically and mentally if we mess up and have to start again.  So what if you forgot to drink that glass of water yesterday.  You just pick right back up where you left off.  You're not going to beat yourself up over that as much.  Healthy lifestyles are important, but we need to remember that that comes with time and involves all aspects of our lives.  The more confident you are, the more likely you are to continue to make those small changes every week.  Most importantly, is the reward.  The reward isn't that you will be 20 pounds lighter (well, maybe a little).  The reward is the way you will feel about yourself.  When you feel good about yourself, you make others feel good too.  So not only made your year better, but you also made someone else feel good about themselves.  I wish you all good luck in however you decide to reach your goals this year.  It's going to be your best year yet.  Stop thinking about how your family is worth it and your friends are worth it.  Start thinking that you are worth it.  When you realize this about yourself, friends and family will automatically benefit from it. 

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