Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Patiently Waiting...

I am currently doing a Bible Study called "Wait and See". It is about how we think and say "all on Gods timing", but we get frustrated and a quitter attitude when we don't receive the answers we seek right away. We find ourselves waiting and just assume that somehow we heard God wrong or made Him upset, or even prayed the wrong prayers. However, sometimes the waiting for Gods purpose to reveal ...itself is part of the plan. Maybe it is His way of preparing you for what He has in store for you. God doesn't ever take us somewhere without a reason. I had always had a need to help other women and to help them form a relationship with God. There was always something, it seemed, getting in the way. Then, when my opportunity came, at almost 40, I thought it was too late. However, He has shown me that it was my age that mattered. It was everything I had been through to this point. What an amazing God to know exactly how to help us turn tragedies into inspiration. I still find myself getting frustrated when I don't get my answers right away. Hey, I am only human!  But then I try to remember that He is teaching me and look for those lessons. Jesus knew what His fate was. He new what His Father wanted Him to do. He could have agonized while He waited to die on that cross. Instead, He spent time with His followers, rendered His teachings, and still loved like He did. If Jesus could wait patiently knowing what He was about to go through, then surely our waiting can not be as bad. When you get impatient, think about the scars He bared for you. What are you willing to bare for Him while you wait? Look at your situation and resolve to learn as much as you can from it. The lessons you learn might be what God is waiting for to move you forward.

Monday, September 26, 2016

While I Wait...

I heard a line from a movie today, that hit me close to home.  The line was, "As I wait for you, Lord, I will serve you."  It brought out something in my thinking that I had not yet realized.  How many times have we prayed to God for answered pray, for health needs, for a loved one to come to know Him, financial needs, professional advancement, family peace, and even the growth of our churches?  Many times, we get so caught up in waiting for the answer, it cripples our life.  We become stagnant and so focused on looking for His answer, we forget that He knows the exact timing for that prayer to be answered.  We put our lives on hold.  We always think to ourselves, "When I know what God wants me to do."  What we should be doing is moving forward, trusting that Christ will wait for the right time for an answer.  He knows that you have burdens and needs.  It made me think about what I was doing for Him, as I am waiting on his answer.  I saw how impatient, self absorbed, and lost I would become while waiting for that answer.  What it, also, made me realize is that I should be serving Him while I wait.  This is not a relationship of you scratch my back, I scratch yours.  It is one of love, respect, kindness, and grace.  He has waited on me so many times in my life.  He has waited on all of us, at one point or another.  While He was waiting on us, He still provided us with homes, food, family, and things He knew we needed.  While we were guilty of sin. He still held us in His arms and loved us.  Maybe you think it is crazy.  I didn't.  In fact, it changed my whole way of looking at answered prayers and unanswered prayers.  Sometimes, we have to proof that we are ready to handle His next step for us.  He knows the exact moment and circumstances that will come about.  God is just waiting for that eye opening moment when it finally clicks to you.  You see some unsnswered prayers aren't unanswered at all.  They are waiting on the sidelines till God calls them onto the playing field.  Who could ask for a better coach?  Certainly not me!  Big hugs, much love, and many blessings!

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11...

There are some events in life you just remember vaguely and others you remember like it was yesterday.  September 11, 2001 is one of those days that you just never forget.  Especially, if you are an American.  I can recall almost every detail of that day.  I had walked out of the bedroom as the second plane crashed into tower number two.  At first, I really did not pay much attention to it thinking it was a movie.  As I was struggling to get my son dressed, I realized the CNN logo and the ticker running across the bottom of the screen.  Turning up the television, I remember praying to God that it wasn't what I thought it was.  The very next moment, I saw the first tower crumble to the ground.  As I watched the events of that morning unfold, tears poured out in a steady stream.  Along with the rest of the world, I watched in horror as our country came under attack.  I remember people covered in so much dust they were unrecognizable.  Images of firefighters scrambling into the second tower, unaware that some of them would not make it back out.  Yes, even the horrifying sight of people jumping from the building.  All these images remain today, with me, as well as many Americans,  That day changed the course of our daily lives in ways we never thought would come to pass.  Little did we know the affect it would have on our children at the time.  While many of us sat at work and home watching these events unfold, our children were watching the same at school.  Images that, under most circumstances, parents would censor from their children, were being replayed throughout the day.  Little did I know the effect it would have on our oldest son's heart and what that meant for our family's future.

Many lessons and realizations came about that day.  But the one that makes me the proudest is watching our country come together and lovingly support each other.  It didn't seem to matter what religion, race, profession, social class, or gender a person was.  The United States, all of a sudden, didn't seem so big.  We were all one big family.  Brothers and sisters who felt each others pain, prayed for each other, hugged and comforted each other.  The people of this country brought a true meaning to the words "one nation, under God".  Hurting and scarred for life, Americans helped each other to pick up the pieces and get back to their daily lives.  But our lives would never be the same.  America would never be the same.

Fifteen years later, we still remember that awful day.  America has learned so much from the awful attack that was felt around the world.  In some ways, it has brought us closer.  In other ways, it has distanced us further.  My son was forever changed that day.  I had stated earlier that the events of that day would come to impact our family years later.  My oldest son graduated from high school in 2013.  Two weeks after graduation, he left for basic training and became a soldier.  He has recently gotten out of the Military.  While I am so proud of him, I can't help but be grateful that he is home.  But the fear of terrorism and war still loom over our family as our daughter and son in law will mark their first year anniversary on the 19th of this month.  She is a military spouse now.  She has embraced the lifestyle and, along with my son in law, made us all so proud.  But I can not help but hold my breath when the phone rings.  One of my biggest fears is that she will become a widow all too soon.  Even typing it out is hard.  There is not a day that goes by that I miss praying for them.  God has chosen their path.  I am encouraged that He is with them both, at all times.

So as we tuck our little ones in tonight, give our spouses a goodnight kiss, or say our nightly blessings...let us not forget those who are not able to do the same.  May we always pray for the protection of those who work to keep this country safe.  Most of all, may we never forget the sacrifice made by service members from all backgrounds, innocent people, and the loved ones left to mourn and that they leave at home everyday so they can keep us from the horrible events of September 11, 2016.  May God keep them and the United States in the palm of His hands.  Big hugs, much love, and many blessings!!! 

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Be Who You Are...

Men are right. We women are hard to figure out. God made us that way for a reason. We have minds that educate, souls that nurture, and hearts that love enough for everyone. He made man's bodies to protect and provide. He made women's bodies to carry life and to take care of others. The problem isn't that we are complicated. The problem is that you see us that way. Look at the women in your... life as beautiful, kind, loving, and that is what you will see always. It's simple really. Out of all the creatures on earth, God chose a woman named Mary to bare His son. If a woman is good enough for that, she is good enough for anything. Women, encourage and love each other. Be faithful and kind to all those in your life. Remember...we are not superior to men, or even each other. We are daughter's of Christ. In His eyes, we are all loved, protected, and nurtured by Him tje same way. Just something to start your new week out with. Have a blessed Sunday.

What If...

I heard a sermon, recently, that hit really close to home. As I listened to this pastor give his message, I began to look back and think about all the things I talked myself out of that I should have done instead. I didn't talk myself out of them because I didn't want to do them. I did it because I was afraid. Afraid of failure, mostly. I began to ask myself, "How many things have I talked myself out of the God was trying to lead me into becuase I was afraid?" Fear is a... very real thing. It can cripple some people. Did we ever stop to think the reason opportunities present themselves is becuase that is where God wants us to go? Instead of putting all of our trust in God, we say no to taking that step becuase we let fear be greater then His presence in our life. I never looked at it that way. Maybe we need to look at that job assignment, dinner with friends, that move to a new home, starting college, or whatever the situation is in your life as an opportunity to go where God wants us to be. I always say, "I am walking with God on this one." When I start a new journey I am unsure of. Now, when I say it...I will make sure that I truly am putting my trust in Him and His plan for me. I will not be afraid. For I know that God is bigger then anything that may come my way, including my fear. What are you afraid of? What holds you back from following God's plan for you? Our assignment today is to think about this and to put Him above our fears. Have a great day, my friends. May it hold opportunities and blessings that will lead you down the path God has set for you.

Sunday, August 7, 2016

Writing Assignment...

This whole last week has been so full of ups and downs.  When I dreamt of being a nurse, I had never thought I would be doing it from behind the scenes.  I remember shortly after I became a nurse, looking at one of my dear friends, who was a supervisor, and stated no amount of money would get me to do her job.  I remember her saying that it was not so bad.  Now, here I am ten years later, and I am doing work I never thought I would do.  Sometimes we have dreams and we get so caught up in them that we are heartbroken when they don't come true.  That was me.  I literally cried my eyes out for weeks after giving up patient care because becoming a nurse practitioner was not going to happen.  Between my vulnerable immune system and the physical stress on  my body, it would have put me at too much risk for infection and injury.  My time working behind the scenes grew on me, tough.  It really showed me a side of nursing that I knew very little about.  It made me even more passionate about how well we take care of our patients.  I continued to walk with God through it, not sure where He was going to take me.  I see bits and pieces of His plans for me everyday.  Sometimes, I even question them.  I know, we shouldn't do that.  But when I do, He always gives me an answer in one way or another.  Seven years after my diagnosis, I am sitting here and still try to figure it all out.  But one thing I know for sure.  Nursing is my calling.  I know this because I am still doing it after all the struggle and illness.  Not in the way I thought I would.  I am doing it in the way God led me to.  You know what?  I love it even more.  I have realized so much about myself and God through the process.  I know that there is not a day that goes by that I can't get through without Him.  Some days are easy and I just need to praise Him.  Other days are hard and I pray to Him to help me through it.  I do try to hide those bad days the best I can.  I am human, however, and it isn't always so easy. I am so blessed to work for an organization that is always trying to improve and has such great staff.  God has given me many gifts.  Family, friends, my career, gardening, crafting, and writing.  I have always kept a journal.  I write down everything from bad moments to the best moments to goals and aspirations.  It is not only very therapeutic, it is also a way to express myself in words that I would get all wrong if they were spoken.  Words can be powerful things when wrote in certain context.  They take us far away, give us wisdom, make us laugh, or even make us cry.  So this leads me to our assignment for the day.  Start writing things down.  It might be making a list.  Keeping a cookbook with your favorite recipes.  Try keeping a journal of some sort.  Maybe just journal things you are grateful for each day.  In today's world of text messaging, emailing, and social media, handwritten words are hard to come by.  Maybe keep a journal for each of your children and journal their accomplishments, your love for them, and things they like.  Put them away and give them to them when they have children of their own.  Trust me...nothing could mean more.  Just start writing with pen and paper.  It could be a cheap notebook.  Its about the content, not the cover.  Big hugs, much love, and many blessings! 

Saturday, August 6, 2016

That Moment...

That moment when you realize all the struggle, all the bad moments, the heartache, pain, and the fight to get through each day has led you to a place you could only dream of before. That feeling of having opportunities no matter where you turn and knowing you can and will make a difference in others lives. For all those long nights when sleep seemed impossible and the pain and tears were all you could focus on. I am in a much better place, despite my current health issues,... then I was even a year ago. Yes, I still have bad days. However, they are the days that keep reminding me of how far I have come. It takes an Army of doctors and medications to keep this body working. But it works. Well, kind of. Lol! As long as I can keep doing work that will keep others inspired, healthy, and fighting I am willing to keep fighting myself. It is what gets me out of bed, drives me to work, and up to do it the next day. I once said I had a plan for my life. I have learned that my plan may not always coincide with God's plan. But that it is His plan that has given me the most reward and the appreciation for blessings I would not of had otherwise. Struggle can lead to success. Success isn't always money and power to some. For me, it is making the most of the life I have been entrusted with. He only grants us one. It is our responsibility to decide how we want to live it and what kind of legacy we leave behind. I want my grandson to look at my picture someday and know that his Nana was a Christian woman, who put others first, loved her family, and made a difference to her patients, coworkers, and community.