Sunday, August 14, 2016

What If...

I heard a sermon, recently, that hit really close to home. As I listened to this pastor give his message, I began to look back and think about all the things I talked myself out of that I should have done instead. I didn't talk myself out of them because I didn't want to do them. I did it because I was afraid. Afraid of failure, mostly. I began to ask myself, "How many things have I talked myself out of the God was trying to lead me into becuase I was afraid?" Fear is a... very real thing. It can cripple some people. Did we ever stop to think the reason opportunities present themselves is becuase that is where God wants us to go? Instead of putting all of our trust in God, we say no to taking that step becuase we let fear be greater then His presence in our life. I never looked at it that way. Maybe we need to look at that job assignment, dinner with friends, that move to a new home, starting college, or whatever the situation is in your life as an opportunity to go where God wants us to be. I always say, "I am walking with God on this one." When I start a new journey I am unsure of. Now, when I say it...I will make sure that I truly am putting my trust in Him and His plan for me. I will not be afraid. For I know that God is bigger then anything that may come my way, including my fear. What are you afraid of? What holds you back from following God's plan for you? Our assignment today is to think about this and to put Him above our fears. Have a great day, my friends. May it hold opportunities and blessings that will lead you down the path God has set for you.

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