Sunday, August 14, 2016

Be Who You Are...

Men are right. We women are hard to figure out. God made us that way for a reason. We have minds that educate, souls that nurture, and hearts that love enough for everyone. He made man's bodies to protect and provide. He made women's bodies to carry life and to take care of others. The problem isn't that we are complicated. The problem is that you see us that way. Look at the women in your... life as beautiful, kind, loving, and that is what you will see always. It's simple really. Out of all the creatures on earth, God chose a woman named Mary to bare His son. If a woman is good enough for that, she is good enough for anything. Women, encourage and love each other. Be faithful and kind to all those in your life. Remember...we are not superior to men, or even each other. We are daughter's of Christ. In His eyes, we are all loved, protected, and nurtured by Him tje same way. Just something to start your new week out with. Have a blessed Sunday.

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