Sunday, September 11, 2016

Remembering 9/11...

There are some events in life you just remember vaguely and others you remember like it was yesterday.  September 11, 2001 is one of those days that you just never forget.  Especially, if you are an American.  I can recall almost every detail of that day.  I had walked out of the bedroom as the second plane crashed into tower number two.  At first, I really did not pay much attention to it thinking it was a movie.  As I was struggling to get my son dressed, I realized the CNN logo and the ticker running across the bottom of the screen.  Turning up the television, I remember praying to God that it wasn't what I thought it was.  The very next moment, I saw the first tower crumble to the ground.  As I watched the events of that morning unfold, tears poured out in a steady stream.  Along with the rest of the world, I watched in horror as our country came under attack.  I remember people covered in so much dust they were unrecognizable.  Images of firefighters scrambling into the second tower, unaware that some of them would not make it back out.  Yes, even the horrifying sight of people jumping from the building.  All these images remain today, with me, as well as many Americans,  That day changed the course of our daily lives in ways we never thought would come to pass.  Little did we know the affect it would have on our children at the time.  While many of us sat at work and home watching these events unfold, our children were watching the same at school.  Images that, under most circumstances, parents would censor from their children, were being replayed throughout the day.  Little did I know the effect it would have on our oldest son's heart and what that meant for our family's future.

Many lessons and realizations came about that day.  But the one that makes me the proudest is watching our country come together and lovingly support each other.  It didn't seem to matter what religion, race, profession, social class, or gender a person was.  The United States, all of a sudden, didn't seem so big.  We were all one big family.  Brothers and sisters who felt each others pain, prayed for each other, hugged and comforted each other.  The people of this country brought a true meaning to the words "one nation, under God".  Hurting and scarred for life, Americans helped each other to pick up the pieces and get back to their daily lives.  But our lives would never be the same.  America would never be the same.

Fifteen years later, we still remember that awful day.  America has learned so much from the awful attack that was felt around the world.  In some ways, it has brought us closer.  In other ways, it has distanced us further.  My son was forever changed that day.  I had stated earlier that the events of that day would come to impact our family years later.  My oldest son graduated from high school in 2013.  Two weeks after graduation, he left for basic training and became a soldier.  He has recently gotten out of the Military.  While I am so proud of him, I can't help but be grateful that he is home.  But the fear of terrorism and war still loom over our family as our daughter and son in law will mark their first year anniversary on the 19th of this month.  She is a military spouse now.  She has embraced the lifestyle and, along with my son in law, made us all so proud.  But I can not help but hold my breath when the phone rings.  One of my biggest fears is that she will become a widow all too soon.  Even typing it out is hard.  There is not a day that goes by that I miss praying for them.  God has chosen their path.  I am encouraged that He is with them both, at all times.

So as we tuck our little ones in tonight, give our spouses a goodnight kiss, or say our nightly blessings...let us not forget those who are not able to do the same.  May we always pray for the protection of those who work to keep this country safe.  Most of all, may we never forget the sacrifice made by service members from all backgrounds, innocent people, and the loved ones left to mourn and that they leave at home everyday so they can keep us from the horrible events of September 11, 2016.  May God keep them and the United States in the palm of His hands.  Big hugs, much love, and many blessings!!! 

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