Saturday, July 25, 2015

The Road to a Healthier Me...Part One of Five

Well, here it is.  After posting an updated picture on Facebook of myself, many messaged me wanting to know how I am losing weight.  I wish I could explain it all in a simple post.  The truth is, it's not that simple.  Weight is not something I ever had to worry about.  Not gaining it anyway.  Thought I just had good genes or something.  Then, my world got pretty complicated when I found out about my adrenal insufficiency and arthritis.  It got even more difficult when my asthma decided to protest.  So, I found myself on high levels of steroids, unable to move, and unable to breath.  A dear friend of mine and I always joke around as to whether I was going to decide to breath or move on any given day.  Funny in hindsight, but not so much at the time.  To top it all off, I had to have major oral surgery that resulted in false teeth and having difficulty chewing, swallowing, and talking.  Not where I imagined myself 20 years ago when I was the ultimate super mom and wife.  But that is all in the past, now.  It took me along time to figure out how to get myself, at least, well again.  After my Facebook post today, I decided that I should share what I have learned over the last 13 months.  This series is not meant to sound difficult or to hold you back from reaching your goals.  It is, however, meant to educate you and open your eyes.  Keep in mind, I am not a doctor or fitness expert.  Although, I am a nurse...I am also a patient who happens to be a mom and a wife.  Much of what I have learned is bits and pieces of many things I have researched and tried myself.  I do not make claims or garuntees that it will work for everyone.  This is only testimony of my experience.  Let's be clear...losing weight and being healthy is a commitment.  It is also different for each and everyone of us and very personal (both emotionally and physically).  I have shown you two pictures.  The one of me in the pink tank was taken June 2014 when my daughter graduated.  The photo of me in the yellow top was taken yesterday  (July 2015).  I weighed 185 lbs. back then.  Today I weigh 155lbs..  Not to my goal yet, but I am getting there. 

So, you might be asking, "Why, five parts?"  There is very good reason for this, I promise.  For starters, there is just that much I have learned.  Also, I wanted it to be easier to understand and follow.  No fancy, smancy, medical terms here.  Yes, that means you can pronounce the words!  Last but not least, getting healthy again is a process and a commitment.  Not just to yourself, but to those who are close to you.  This means you might need a break or time to absorb your thoughts and feelings.  That's right folks, I said feelings.  I stated this was a process.  It's not only about losing weight.  It involves changing the way you live...for good.  It will make you think of things you never did, feel things you never felt, and try things you never tried.  But in the end, it will be worth it.  So, hang on to your undies folks, this ride is going to be bumpy.  I encourage you to take notes, do your own research, and get ready for a good dose of being honest with yourself.  No magic pill here, people.  Just hardworking and determination.  The ride starts now...(or, at least, in the next post).  Much love and many blessings!  Oh! And Good Luck! 

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