Sunday, July 26, 2015

Better Hair Days Ahead

If you are looking to try some higher end hair products, but don't want to spend the money, take a trip to your local Walmart.  While Hubby and I were shopping in Midland on Friday night, I was able to pick up some products I was wanting to try on clearance.  There were many brands marked down throughout the entire hair aisle.  If you have a coupon, then all the better.  I am trying to make the switch to products free of sulfates and other fillers, so I took advantage of these deals.  Hurry, don't know how long they will last.  Better Hair Days Ahead Ladies and Gents.  Yes, even men's products were marked.  Got to take care of the men in our life to.  We are seen in public with them just as much as they are with us.  Not only that, but I am in a family where the men out number us precious females by a great deal.  They start using my stuff, it will be gone before I can use it.  I just want to take a moment to say thank you all.  I am so glad that we have men who read tgus blog too.  Because healing comes from and effects all aspects of live.  It takes a strong family (men, women, chidren) to hold each other up and help you to be the better you that you dream of.  Also, just in time for back to school to have those teenagers looking awesome!  I am down to one, and he is picky so hoping this helps.  Much love and many blessings

***I am not making money or benefiting in any way by Walmart or the products sold.  All opinions given are of my own experiences.  I have a love/hate relationship with Walmart.  I love their prices, but hate some of the things I witnessed by other customers when I am in there.  Which is why I go late at night or very early in the morning.  I truly love you all.  Good luck!

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