Wednesday, May 20, 2015

God Placed Those Dreams On Your Heart...

I am supposed to be sleeping, right now.  Interview for a new position at work.  It's funny how your life changes so much after dealing with chronic illness.  There was a point last year that I felt I couldn't possibly be of any use to anyone as a nurse.  Everybody encouraged me to apply for permanent disability.  This was something that I just felt it wasn't the time for, yet.  So, I picked myself up, and asked God to show me the path He wanted me to take.  Well, here I am redefining  what my life has stood for.  Something happens to you when you decide to fight back.  You feel this inner strength that causes you to stand a little taller, smile a little bigger, and believe that dreams can come true.  And in the process of achieving your dreams you learn so much about yourself and your relationship with God.  It becomes one of teacher and student.  He shows us what He dreams for us.  Sometimes our dreams and his dreams aren't all that different.  It's the plan of attack that differs.  All to often we don't see the path that God wants us to take.  Or we do see it, but it looks harder then our way.   So, we stick to our plans and stumble often.  If there is one thing that I have learned it is that by following God's blue print for my life, I appreciate every step it takes to get to the finish line.  Even the impossible steps are more rewarding once taken.  The journey may take longer.  There might be more critics.  Yes, there will be times you want to give up.  We all have these moments.  You need to remember that if He didn't think you could achieve the dreams you have, He would hve never placed them on your heart. My plan was to become a Nurse practioner.  I have accepted that God had a better plan for me.  It's going to be a challenge.  But one I am more then willing to take.  Hope you lol believe in yourself, as I do.  You are all amazing wo, enjoy and men.  Don't let anything get in the way of the life God has for you.  He sees your potential and wants the very best for you.  Much love and many blessings!

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