Monday, April 13, 2015

New Beginnings...

Lately, I have been thinking a lot about all the changes that are taking place in our life.  It seems like just yesterday we were planning for proms, graduations, weekends with a house full of teenagers, and after school activites.  Those days seemed so crazy and full of chaos back then.  Today they seem like they were a million years ago.  They are nothing but memories, now.  Sweet, precious memories that will always stay close to my heart.  Today is a different story.  As a soon to be empty nester, it can be very challenging to transition to the changes that come with having children become adults.  There are the adjustments to the silence, the free time, and even to the reduction in laundry and household chores.  Although we still have a very active, soon to be 16 year old at home, the house seems empty.  Even he is having a bit of a hard time adjusting to it.  Our yongest has never been alone.  He is looking at two years of being the only child at home, with a soldier brother, and an Air Force spouse sister located acrossed the country.  Not in the same direction, I might add.  So, has hard has it is for us, we are trying to keep things in perspective for him.  Our children have always been close.  We know this is a hard adjustment for him.

One thing we have done, for him, is to try and focus on the fact that he is going to be an only child.  Which, by the way, comes with a certain amount of benefits.  No fighting over the bathroom, mom and dad's full attention, and other things he can look forward to.  For hubby and I, we are trying to focus on the new beginings.  We just recently found out that we will be first time grandparents in December.  Something we are still trying to adjust to, but are extremely excited about.  We are also preparing to watch our only daughter devote her life to a very special young man.  So, there will be a wedding late this summer.  I have also decided to go back to school for my Master's in Nursing.  I feel the best I have in years, and am up for the challenge.  Paul is starting to make more plans for hunting and fishing trips.  Lord, help us all!  My poor garage is already so full of equipment.  But the great outdoors is his sanctuary.   I feel the same about my gardening.  We both enjoy the outdoors.  Just in different ways.  We both believe that nature is one of God's most generous blessings.  It just keeps giving in beauty, in purpose, and in peace.  After all the hard work put into this yard last year, there are so many new flowers and plants starting to grow.  It's newness and excitement seem to reflect the feelings in our family, right now.  Spring is such a wonderful time of year.  A time of new beginnings.  Nothing could be , more true for our family, right now.

The Lord works in mysterious ways.  Doesnt He?  A year ago, I could have never imagined that things would be so good.  I knew and trusted that the Lord had a plan.  I just had no idea that it would be so awesome.  You see, we look at life so differently now.  I look for the positive and beauty in my life everyday.   I give praise to Him everyday for leading us down the path that he has.  The good and the bad.  We have realized that sometimes he gives us challenges and struggles to appreciate the good more and to help keep our faith in Him growing.  Its like the old saying, "Use it or lose it."  This can be said of our faith in God.  In order to let it grow, we have to be able to practice it.  The challenges are never easy.  But they are alwys a way for us to learn more about Gods glory and ourselves.  It has given us more purpose and meaning in everything we do.  Much love and many blessings!  

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