Thursday, May 23, 2013

One Day At A Time

Well, as it gets closer, things around here get quieter.  In 12 days our Son will be off to Basic training for the U.S. Army.  He just graduated from high school last Sunday.  Reality is starting to hit.  Unbelievable!  It is hard to believe that he is already grown up.  When the kids were little, Paul and I were criticized by some for making our world revolve around our children.  We never went out, took them everywhere, went without sleep to make activities, and just made everything we did about them.  Today I realize I would never change how we did things for anything in the world.  While some parents sit back and think should have, would have, could have...Paul and I think of all the great memories we created as a family.  Those are the memories that will carry us through this time of worrying and waiting.  I have faith in Dustin and the lessons we have taught him about life in general.  However, as a mother I can not keep the instinct to worry.  If there is one thing in our life Paul and I have learned is that God has a plan, although it may not always be clear to us.  We have never questioned the Lords motives and influences over our family.  He has always held us in his hands, no matter what trials or triumphs we have encountered.  So again, we will trust in His path and accept it.  I know that Dustin will do the same. 

The following year holds many unknowns, changes, and decision making for this family.  Not only does  Dustin enter the world of being an adult, but our daughter is entering her Senior year of high school, and our youngest enters his freshman year.  Am I worried?  I would be lying if I said I wasn't.  But I have faith in them both, as I do with Dustin.  I know that they will make decisions that are wrong ones.  I can only hope that they will choose to learn from them like we taught.  Shelby is starting to look at options for college and making plans for her senior year.  An exciting time for any high school senior.  She has grown into such a beautiful young woman...inside and out.  I just pray that she sees in herself what others do.  Dylan turns 14 this Saturday and is so excited about being in high school.  The day he was born, I held him in my arms and knew that he would make people laugh everyday.  He was meant to spread happiness.  I just pray that he learns the self control he needs to use it in a positive light.

Saturday is Dustin's Open House/Going Away party.  But it is so much more than that.  It is a celebration of accomplishments for everyone, as well as the start of things to come.  My hope is that it is a day of laughter and love.  Tears will fall, but they will be tears of love and joy.  My comfort comes from the fact that although he wishes he had more time with friends and family, Dustin has no regrets about his decision.  We will take this journey has we have every one day at a time.

Romans 8:28  We know that all things work together for good for those who love God, to those who are called according to his purpose.

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