Friday, May 31, 2013

Keeping Busy

Well, I have decided that in order for me to deal with the recent events in our home, keeping busy seems to be a much better alternative to sitting and wallowing in my sorrows.  So, I have finally gotten my other blog started.  In the future, all up dates on Dustin will be primarily posted to "Dustin's Journey" (  It seemed much easier to keep friends and family up to date this way.  Honestly, there are just so many.  I felt I owed it to them and Dustin to have a designated site.  Let's face it, not all are interested in laundry stain removal, healthy recipes, or what my kids would refer to has "momma stuff".  Again, I thank you all and encourage you to visit the blog.  I will occasionally post references to this site, but it will not be as detailed.  You know?  Blogging started out just being a way for me to explore my passion for creative writing.  It really has become a blessing to me.  It helps me when I know that others can be helped, encouraged, or just plain entertained by what I post. 

Recently, I have experienced some down falls.  My health has been not so great.  Another infection and a lot of added stress.  I am not proud to say smoking has worked its way back into my life.  However, I have a plan for getting back on the wagon.  It involves keeping busy.  This should not be any problem with a new house to move into, thank you letters to write, two teenagers and a husband to keep up with, and work.  One thing I have learned is that it is an addiction that will always linger and is very easy to give in.  Have also learned that addiction is an illness.  I pray for strength and the day I can completely be free of it.  I also know the disappointment in peoples faces (especially my kids) is hard for me to deal with.  Have always tried to be a people pleaser.  It's a drawback I have to work on as well.  If there is one thing I have learned is that the power of prayer is my biggest defense.  So, I continue to pray for myself and other people dealing with this monkey on our backs.

These past couple of weeks have not only been quite the eye opener for me, but for the rest of my family, as well.  I have posted before about it being about God's plan.  Boy!  It is turning out to be a lot different then the plan Paul and I thought it would be.  Somehow, it has turned into more of an adventure.  It seems we never know what is going to happen next.  A great example is the new house we picked out.  Our original plan was to build a house on the 20 acres we own.  Then, due to the economy and housing market, we decided to buy a house.  We must have looked at so many.  Even placed offers on a couple that fell through.  I prayed to the Lord while looking at every house.  Just a simple prayer that if this house wasn't meant to be ours, then show us a sign.  After so many, we finally found one.  It is nothing like what we had originally planned to have.  But somehow, it is perfect.  So far the whole process has gone easier then we expected.  Just a few things to verify with the bank, a water test, and we should be set.  So, it turns out Dustin is not the only one starting a new chapter in his life.  It's so exciting.  At the same time, it seems to help with all the other emotions we are going through right now.

Last but not least, Paul and I have learned the power of community and the blessing of having so much love and support.  We would have never imagined the compassion from this small town that has come since Dustin's enlistment became public.  It has made us so proud of Beaverton and even prouder of the young man Dustin has become.  We had made the decision a long time ago that no matter what it took we were going to raise our family here.  Now we know why.  It really does take a village to raise a child.  We feel that this whole town has helped shaped who our children have become.  God has truly blessed us in more ways then we could have even imagined.  You could even say it has been overwhelming in some ways.  Deuteronomy 28:2 states, "All these blessings will come upon you, and overtake you, if you listen to the Lord your God's voice".  It is so easy for one to turn their back on or question God's presence during times of trial.  Yet it is important during these times to maintain that He will take care of us.  I have always told my husband and kids that He will take care of us.  After the events of this past month, I am truly convinced that this holds true.  The blessings just keep coming in so many different ways.  I could never repay all that people have done for us.  Besides saying thank you, I can only offer our love, prayer, and continued support to this wonderful town.  I am not sure when my next post will be to this blog due to the busy week ahead and my current health state.  Please be patient and know that I will be making it up after Dustin leaves and I feel better.  As I stated before, keeping busy is my goal.  Much love and many blessings.        



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