Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Patiently Waiting...

I am currently doing a Bible Study called "Wait and See". It is about how we think and say "all on Gods timing", but we get frustrated and a quitter attitude when we don't receive the answers we seek right away. We find ourselves waiting and just assume that somehow we heard God wrong or made Him upset, or even prayed the wrong prayers. However, sometimes the waiting for Gods purpose to reveal ...itself is part of the plan. Maybe it is His way of preparing you for what He has in store for you. God doesn't ever take us somewhere without a reason. I had always had a need to help other women and to help them form a relationship with God. There was always something, it seemed, getting in the way. Then, when my opportunity came, at almost 40, I thought it was too late. However, He has shown me that it was my age that mattered. It was everything I had been through to this point. What an amazing God to know exactly how to help us turn tragedies into inspiration. I still find myself getting frustrated when I don't get my answers right away. Hey, I am only human!  But then I try to remember that He is teaching me and look for those lessons. Jesus knew what His fate was. He new what His Father wanted Him to do. He could have agonized while He waited to die on that cross. Instead, He spent time with His followers, rendered His teachings, and still loved like He did. If Jesus could wait patiently knowing what He was about to go through, then surely our waiting can not be as bad. When you get impatient, think about the scars He bared for you. What are you willing to bare for Him while you wait? Look at your situation and resolve to learn as much as you can from it. The lessons you learn might be what God is waiting for to move you forward.