Sunday, March 20, 2016

Riding the Storm

I was sitting her looking at all the post I have written and realized that in October this blog will be four years old.  My how time passes.  When I started, it was more for the cause of therapy then anything.  I've always been the type to journal or write my feelings down.  Writing just has always come so naturally to me.  I certainly never claimed to be any body like Poe, Dickenson, Alcott, or even a Joyce Meyers, for that matter.  It was a way for me to take my experiences, tips, and other things and share them with others.  Most of all, it helped me to feel better.  Sometimes, getting it out on paper makes it so much easier to deal with.  Of course, I have shared many things from housekeeping tips to beauty tips, to recipes, and so mich more.  By far my favorite thing to share is God's word and encouragement for others.  Especially women, who are in a world today where they are expected to be everyone, do everything, and do it perfectly.  If I could reach one person and make them feel better about themselves, I was happy.  However, as the course of time has gone on, I have found that there is simply much more I can do.  For example, encouraging a woman that she is special, is one thing.  But showing her she is special and that the love of Christ is with her, helps her feel as if she isn't alone.  I believe that women today need to cling to Jesus more then ever.  It is a demanding world and He can give us the resources and peace to overcome our obstacles and make a difference in each others life.

The only payment I have ever received from any of my blogs is watching smiles and pride on the faces of my readers.  I want to help them realize the gifts that they were blessed with and how to use them in a way that will shape others, as well as themselves.  Also, the world can be a cold, lonely place for those who feel alone.  No woman should ever feel as if she doesn't matter.  But it is only after we put away our pettiness, pride, anger, and judgements that we can come together.  Ladies, the Lord put us here to be His helpers.  Even more then that, He put us here to be each others helpers.  He knew what we would face and that we would need reminding of His love and our uniqueness.  So, today give a mom a hand, smile to the older woman in the grocery store, or tell that young girl how special she is.  We hold the power within us and the love of our Father to be a strong force that can withstand the worst storms.  Think back to everything you have been through.  The good, bad, and really bad.  Yet, you are still here and still standing.  That is the power of Christ in your life.  Let that be a testimony to your faith in Jesus Christ.  

"Dear God, Teach me to trust in you so that when the unexpected storms of life come, I will expect peace in the midst of those storms, knowing that you are near, you hear my cries, and you are with me and for me. " (Mark 4:37-40)