Sunday, October 11, 2015

We Are Not Alone...

One of my favorite things to do is watch YouTube.  I love watching videos related to music, style, makeup, inspiration, homemaking, and so much more.  My biggest challenge has been finding women vloggers around my age.  I was watching one and found this list, thinking someone else out there might benefit from it.  I am sure there are more then this, but it is a great lost to get started.  Happy Viewing!  Much love and many blesings!

Friday, October 9, 2015

That Wasn't How It Was Supposed To Go...

I recently needed a reminder of this.  I was so caught up in wondering how things had gotten to where they were, that I had forgotten to see them has how God wanted them to be.  My husband and I had never planned for our children to move so far away from home when they grew up.  I guess we just always thought they would be right here close for us to continue to keep an eye on.  But that is not what happened at all.  We now have a 20 year old son on one side of the country with his expecting wife, and a 19 year old daughter on the other side with her husband.  Fortunately,  we still have our 16 year old son at home.  But the day will come that he will have to make that choice. We have learned that God gave us the tools to teach our children to make those choices for themselves.  Apparently,  he had more faith in our family then we did.  It is still hard, being so far away.  But we find great comfort in the fact that they are believers of Christ and that He has their backs. 

Thru this last couple of years, the Lord has shown us so much.  Not just about our children, but about ourselves as well.  He has shown us that you don't have to keep your children close to home to remain a part of their lives.  With modern technology, it has made it possible for us to talk or text often.  I look forward to those messages.  Even the littlest ones.  He has taught us that the time to slowdown and enjoy life is now.  Not after our youngest child is grown and on his own in the world.  There is so much we want to do with him before that time comes.  We have a grandchild on the way (and more in the future) and want to be an active part of their lives.  We had things we had planned to do many years ago and just never got around to them because life got busy.  We have been in this house for two uears, and have yet to decorate or do the things we wanted to it.  But the great thing is that we are still young enough and motivated to do them.  The Lord has also shown us that this isn't the end of the story, but the beginning of a new one.  This is where Paul and I get to have the time together that we never got in the beginning.  Sure we were together for five years before having a family, but some of that I was still in school.  The day after graduation I started a full time job working 12 hour night shifts.  He worked 6 and 7 days a week.  Not much time to get to know each other.  Then came kids, dogs, houses, bills, and all the lovely things that come with married life.  Looking back now, I wouldn't have changed any of it.  We were blessed to have our children at all, let alone young.  We enjoyed every minute of them growing up.  And now, they have tured into amazing independent people.  It is time for them to blaze their own trail thru life.  Hopefully someday they can look back, like Paul and I, and feel the pride, graditude, and satisfaction of what they have built together with the love they share with their spouses.  It's an incredible feeling.  I can't tell you how many times my tears of sadness have turned into tears of pride and joy just thinking about all we have done.  So we decided not to be sad anymore that our children were not here.  Rather be grateful of the opportunities they were given and that they found a special someone to share it with.  Afterall, that is what we did.  We married young, worked hard for everything in our whole life, and believed that the Lord would see us through the good and bad.  That is what they need to do.  Love each other and trust in God!  It's what makes a marriage special and stronger. Much love and many blessings!