Friday, June 12, 2015

High Standards!

Well, I am finding myself in a pretty weird mood lately.  I think it has something to do with my daughter getting married, my youngest son turning 16, and my older son and his wife being so far away.  They warn you about "Empty Nest Syndrome".  But no one explains that it happens in stages and so fast.  And that for the first time in 20 years, you and your husband will have to spend time alone together and carry on a conversation that doesn't revolve around dates, sports, school, and anything related to teenagers.  Lol!  So in an attempt to keep this post as organized as possible, we will challenge each one in order of age, from youngest up.

My youngest son is 16 and very, very active.   He does not sit well, which is why his video games have collected more dust then the west coast.  Turning 16 is a right of passage for all teenagers, but I think when you are the youngest and only one home, it is definitely different.  He spends a lot of time with friends.  His friends spend a lot of time here.  And while yes, there are new found freedoms, there is also loneliness.   He has always had someone there.  It's the trait of being the youngest.  Many of you know he struggles with school alot and spending time being active is how we keep him from bouncing of the walls 24/7.  It isn't for everyone, but it works for us.  They wanted him on meds when he was younger and we opposed them.  Sports was his therapy and outlet, and it worked.  That being said, he is the sweetest boy with so much life in him.  I am so proud of how far he has come.  He is learning benefits of getting up stronger everytime he gets knocked down.  That makes him a winner, no matter what.  Hoping he can make it once Shelby is gone.  Guess the workout area will need some upgrades.

Our Tinkerbell is going to be 19 on September 17th of this year.  Two days later (on the 19th) we will watch her get married to her Peter Pan.  He is an absolutely amazing gentleman in the Air Force.  After that they will be moving to Washington.  It's getting harder as the time grows closer.  We went the wedding planner route and I am so glad we did.  I am finding it is too emotional for me to handle.  I know she will be so happy.  He is the best son in law we could have ever asked for.  It's just so hard to think that I won't be able to see her beautiful face every morning or hear her funny one liners everyday.  This one is hardest.  She is our only daughter.  You can't put a limit on that.  Not for love, not for money, not for happiness, not for anything.  Yet, we are extremely proud of who she is.  We were always accused of having to high standards for our kids, especially Shelby.  We never expected anything from them we knew they couldn't give.  Shelby has completely put in awe with her wonderful heart and ability to see the brightside.  It gives me comfort knowing she is so independent.  She is going to have to be, and she will rock at it.

Then there is our Soldier Boy and his wife, who have had to endure so much pain and hardship lately.  It doesn't even seem fair that any couple should have to experience this much heartbreak and tears.  I miss them both very much.  Just because he is an adult and lives far from home, doesn't mean I don't worry.  In fact, I worry more.  I feel I have missed so much with them away.  I just do the best I can thru text and calls.  It's not the same, and some days the void can be consuming.  I take comfort in the fact that we instilled those higher standards in him.  He is an awesome husband.  Someday, they will be the best parents any child would be lucky to have.  My sweet daughter in law brings the best out in him.  That's when you know it's right.  they are both learning that you can get through anything, as long as you stick together.  It makes it easier and the loving bond between you grow stronger.

So, hubby and I are finally getting time alone.  The problem is, we don't know what to do with it.  It's crazy that for 20 years we couldn't get time together and now we have too much.  So we set out to make the most of it.  You see, we started our family young due to health issues.  So we never really had that alone time some couples get before starting a family.  Yes, even though we had been dating for 5 years, we hadn't lived together but for a very short time.  So, this is our time.  Time to find hobbies as a couple and as individuals.  We decided that instead of looking at the extra time as empty, we would look at it as a new beginning.  A new beginning into being by ourselves one day in this house.  This also keeps us from potentially hurting each other.  Lol!  Hopefully, by the time our youngest graduates, we will be okay.  Good thing we have a couple of years because this is going to take some work.  That being said, we could not be any prouder of all our children.   They exceeded any expectations they were held up to.  They are positive, happy, giving, children.  They all believe in God and they all know the importance of family and helping others.  That's what setting standards for your children can prove.  It's not about making them people they are not.  It's about helping them to become the people they are supposed to be, in according to God's plan for them.  Much love and many blessings!