Sunday, June 16, 2013

I'm Back!!

That's right!  This anything but perfect, to some annoying, mother of three is back.  I'd like to say better then ever.  However, given the recent month's activities, better then ever is quite the understatement.  You know that moment you look in the mirror and realize that your biggest fear as come to life.  The hard, "Hello, you ain't as young as you used to be" moment.  That's right!  I had one of those this morning.  Now, I have had them before.  But this mornings was different.  Different how, you ask?  Well, in that very moment I saw what my family was seeing.  Not only did I look tired, but I looked weak, stressed, and sick.  Now, granted I am not the healthiest woman in the world.  No big secret!  However, I have always tried to maintain a certain amount of dignity in my appearance.  Call it vein, call it, self centered, or just plain dumb.  I don't care.  I can not handle the pity look that people give me when they see me like that. Bot only does it make me look sick and weak, but it makes me feel that way, as well.  I have said it before, and I will say it again...I am not one to sit a wallow in self-pity.  And the one image I can not handle is the one of my own children seeing me like this.  So this work in progress is back.  And I do mean work in progress.  However, during this time of adjustment, the Lord has taught me many lessons.  One is that there is healing and love through prayer, family, and friends.  The other is that there is a plan.  We may not see it, but God has one for all of us.  I am still working on seeing the bigger picture, but I truly believe that part of His plan for me is to step outside of my comfort zone and help others.  The really funny thing is that in my attempt to do so, I found a part of myself I had lost for years.  My love of writing.  Now, mind you, I am no Nicholas Sparks.  Probably never will be.  However, I have always loved the power of written expression and the effect it has on people.  So, in my quest for finding a new normal for this fabulous family of mine, I hereby declare war on all things negative.  I will continue to posts new information, and all the things that make this blog as useful and inspirational to you as I can.  Although, far from Pulitzer winning material (unless you laundry stains, housework, and personal hygiene to be such), you are welcome to follow.  I can't promise all the information will be useful to everyone, but I do hope someone can find something to help them get through their day.  The one thing all of us moms have in common is that we are resourceful creatures.  We are good at making what we have work for us.  As I see it, there is nothing more important then finding ways to take care of our homes, our families, ourselves, and finding ways to pay it forward.  Not only that, but let's face it, this new Army mom has time to kill.  Some moms knit, this mom blogs.  Not conventional, I know.  But extremely affective in relieving my stress and very rewarding.  Who knew so much could come from stain removal and baking cookies!  Ha!  Much love and many blessings!!!