Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Out with the Old...

Hello friends!  I know I have been absent for the last little bit.  The end of 2012 proved to be quite challenging for my health and has kept me away.  I can't say that it has been an easy year.  What I can say is that I have learned so much about myself, my family, and my relationship with God.  At my lowest point, I can honestly say it would have been very easy to give up.  I questioned so many things.  My body, my doctors, my family, etc..  But through all the sickness and pain, came light.  I can't tell you the single moment that I came out of my cloudiness, but I can tell you who it was that brought me out.  It was my beautiful children.  I look at these three faces, and know that it is for them I fight so hard.  They are the reason that I can not let Addison's, Psoriatic arthritis, or COPD win.  That being said, I have also come to realize that the Lord has blessed me with a platform to inspire others like myself, and I had been neglecting it.  For those that missed me, I am truly sorry and missed you as well.  You have all been a great support to me.  For that I am not only blessed but love you all very much.  Yes, I am still struggling with my health, but I have found my fight again.  Yes, I am still smoke free, as is my husband.  The one New Years Resolution from 2012 I am proud to say I kept.  Enough with the past year...

This New Year holds so much promise for my family and I.  While I don't know how it is going to go, I do know that I intend to make the most of it.  So instead of making New Years Resolutions this year, I have decided to let God lead the journey.  I have to admit that, for me, this is scary.  I have always tried to maintain control.  My husband doesn't call me a control freak for nothing.  However, in my deepest prayers, thoughts, and time in Gods word I realized that I don't have it all under control.  Shocker, because I always thought I did.  I also realized that it caused my body more stress and worry that was just making me feel worse.  This in turn caused stress in my relationship with my husband, kids, and God.  Not proud of it, but proud to be able to recognize that I was wrong.  Again, I said it.  My husband would be so proud.

So my hope for my readers is that you can take 2013 and enjoy every minute of it.  Enjoy time with family, friends, and on your own.  Don't let control and worry consume you.  If the dishes don't get done right away...so be it.  They can be washed later, but you may only have this last moment to hug your loved ones and tell them what they mean to you.  So what if you have a loved one in your family who has made mistakes.  Maybe this is the year you extend forgiveness or a supportive hand.  You may not get another chance.  Last but not least...blood maybe thicker then water, but we all need water to survive.  As humans, we thrive on love and nurturing.  With out these two things, there is no sense of belonging or purpose.  Family is wonderful and there is nothing like their love and support to see you through trying times.  However, in some instances, family comes in the form of close friends.  So I am not just wishing you a Happy New Year, but a Happy 2013.  Many Blessings and much love!!!!!!!     

Food for thought:   Matt 6:33 “But seek first the Kingdom of God and His Righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” Matt 6:34 “Therefore, do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.”